Try the free Buyers CMS
Explore the possibilities in practice: install the trial version or use the online demo.

CORPORATE: скачать дистрибутив

Полнофункциональная корпоративная версия «BUYERS CMS CORPORATE» для создания сайтов любой сложности доступна для ознакомительного скачивания. На основе данного дистрибутива можно начать разработку собственного корпоративного сайта.

Technical requirements

Buyers CMS is developed in the PHP programming language and can work effectively on any UNIX or Windows platform.

Minimum technical requirements

  • Веб сервер: Apache / Nginx
  • PHP 7.4
  • MySQL 5.7

Hosting requirements

Any hosting that meets the technical requirements of the product is suitable for hosting the store.

E-COMMERCE: демо версия 1.4

Unlike the usual demo version, in online mode there is no need to install the cms yourself on a hosting or on a local computer.

In the demo online, you can

  • Edit the structure of the product catalog.
  • Add new products.
  • Create landing pages.
  • Accept and process orders.
  • Manage pages, menu items, and banners.
  • Change the design of the store.
  • Create news and promotions and much more.


  • A ban on editing the template's tpl files.
  • The demo site daily restores all files and the database to standard values.

Website Admin panel


Need more information?

We will help you with the choice of configuration, answer all your questions and prepare an individual offer. Make a request on the website, we will contact you soon and answer all your questions.