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News & Sales
This section contains all the news of our company. Follow the news and keep abreast of all events.
11 August 2021
Updating the official website
We are pleased to announce that we have updated our official website. Now it is available in two languages - English and Russian. It has more detailed information about the system.
20 July 2021
Buyers CMS Update v1.3
We have great news! We have prepared a new update for you.
We continue to improve the functionality and improve the performance of the system.
27 May 2021
Buyers CMS Update v1.2
We are pleased to announce the Buyers CMS 1.2 Update. REST API for products and orders, new template features and much more ...
18 April 2021
Ready-made configurations
We have prepared ready-made configurations for quick launch of various topics of the online store. Now it has become even easier to start online trading.
02 April 2021
Buyers CMS Update v1.1
The first update of Buyers CMS is already available for download. Updated product filter, landing pages and much more...
22 March 2021
Buyers CMS Release
Good afternoon! We are pleased to inform you that we are finally going to release Buyers CMS v. 1. 0 is already available for download. To demonstrate the capabilities of our system, we have prepared several options for you - demo access and the...